FAQ Category: <span>Hot Sauce Questions</span>

How hot are your sauces?

Obviously we love spicy things, however, we also want to make our hot sauces flavor-first but pleasantly hot which means most people can tolerate our sauces. From time to time we will make special small batches of screaming hot sauces but our usual sauces are as follows.

Our Charred Red and Green line are at the mild end of medium-hot for those who love a little flavorful heat. Our Habanero lines are towards the end of medium-hot to hot.

Do I need to refrigerate my sauces?

Yes because we use no preservatives, it’s best to refrigerate your sauces to extend their shelf lives. While we do ferment our sauces for longer shelf life and flavor, we want you to be the safest you 🙂